Monopolar Epidural Electrocatheter
Monopolar Epidural Electrocatheter designed for the pulsed radiofrequency treatment of painful pathologis of the spine section. The device is equipped with an active distal electrode for stimulation, located in the tip, and a thermocouple sensor allowing for a continuous monitoring of the tip temperature for the Pulsed Radiofrequency Treatment (PRF).
The Electrocatheter is provided with a connector to the Rafiofrequency Generator and adapter/extension cord. The sensor must be placed inside the videoguided steerable catheter for Spinal Endoscopy.

  • Treatment of painful pathologies in the epidural space.
  • Electric stimulation and reversible lesion with Pulsed Radiofrequency (PRF) of the peripheral nervous system and spinal nervous structures.
  • Stimulation of peripheral nerves to identify the source of pain.